I just turned 23.
Like you do on birthdays, I spent some time thinking about the year that just passed. And, to be frank, the last 6 or so months have felt like a waste, cause ya know, global pandemic and all.
But despite the craziness in the world lately, a lot of good actually did happen during my 22nd trip around the sun.
I graduated university.
I found direction in my life (finally) and started my B.Ed.
My best friend got into nursing school (that was a particular highlight of the last week).
Despite doing school almost exclusively via Zoom, I actually started to make friends during my program.
22 started like a lamb and ended up like a lion. But despite the weirdness, there's a residual optimism within me that I think was largely absent until I found a path in life, professionally and personally.
So as 22 turned to 23, I woke up to a world still largely the same as it was the day before - lockdown, online school, and virus galore. But despite it all, 23 is off to a good start, and I'm looking forward to the next 364 days until 24.