This past weekend, our TV unexpectedly died. No warning, no previous issues, it just decided one day that it had enough, and that was it.
For a household that frequently watches the news and Netflix, this was a... less than desirable occurrence. Thankfully, we had an old, incredibly tiny (think: approximately the size of a computer monitor) TV in the basement that could tide us over. But today, a trip was made to Costco, and a 55 inch Sony Bravia came home.
Our old TV was the same make and model, and I thought a decent size. I was apparently wrong: this new one we have is evidently much larger, and the difference in size is both obvious and jarring- seriously, when I was setting up the display, my eyeballs were hurting.
Of course, I'm sure that after a short adjustment period, we'll all be used to it. And cooler still, there's even a dedicated Netflix button, and even Google audio control. Basically, there's no need to even change the channels yourself anymore, you can just speak a command to the remote, and presto: the channel is changed (clearly, humanity is becoming infinitesimally lazier).
It's also a so-called "smart TV", which if I understand from the dozens of menus I had to click through to finish the setup, essentially means that it may or may not be tracking our data. Personally, I tend to fall in the middle regarding whether or not the amount of data being stored is a good thing. But hey... Netflix button. That's good enough for now!