So the last couple weeks have been busy, what with starting at the new job (getting to know the other staff and students! Yay!), attending a wedding last weekend, helping out at a birthday party today (albeit briefly), and then attending what I'll now dub the "family fiesta".
It all started last year with a Mexican fiesta to "celebrate the end of covid" (we may have been a little too ambitious with that one - there was even a piñata). And while Covid-19 has still stuck around to varying degrees, we also kept this new tradition alive this year - this time, Greek themed.
Yes, there's a bit of a disconnect between "Greece" and "fiesta", but hey, the important thing is that family was together, we had a good time, and there was balloons (and cake).
If I've noticed one thing about myself since all this pandemic garbage began, it's that I'm weirdly a lot more sentimental about being around family and friends. I guess after being forced to be apart for stretches, it makes you realize how much you miss stuff like that.
This was no exception. It was a great evening, and set the tone for a good couple weeks of holidays (before I'm back with my teaching gig for the final camp week). Time to rest, relax, and enjoy the air-conditioned indoors (yay, Winnipeg heat wave).
July started off rocky, but is quickly recovering. As they say in Greece: Opa!