Like it or not, the third wave is undoubtedly upon us.
Case counts are climbing. ICUs are overrun. The decision has been made: back to square one.
"Too late too late", some say. "Pointless if schools are still open", argue others. "All a hoax", say a third (and quite frankly, delusional) faction of society. But the reality is, the numbers are clear: this is needed.
We've been here before (sadly). It's not the first time restaurants have shut, personal services have closed, and aspects of life we've taken for granted have been removed from our grasp.
There's one key difference this time around, however: the end is (hopefully) on the horizon. Restrictions are in place until May 30th, at the earliest. After the May Long (the unofficial kickoff to Canadian summer), but still well before the leaves fall and the inevitable cold returns to the Prairies. Between now and then, people will be forced to stay home more. More vaccines will make their way into arms. With any luck, we may get started on second doses. And, with some hard work, some sacrifice, and maybe a little luck, we'll be able to start putting this behind us, and enjoy the dog days of summer.
We're closer to the end of this than the beginning. It's hard to focus on the end of this pandemic while things lock back down and case counts climb. Though it seems bleak now, there really is a light at the end of the tunnel.
We all just need to hang in there. We can do this.