I don't know about you guys, but I personally feel like I've blinked, and somehow have managed to fast-forward from beginning of June to beginning of AUGUST!
It seems like just yesterday I was fantasizing about all I'd get up to this summer... grad. A wedding. A conference in Boston. French class (yeah, those last two really didn't go as planned...)
With the summer programs arrangement with my employer, I had the last couple weeks off, and man oh man did they fly! Before I knew it, it was August long weekend. Thankfully, I managed to make the most of it: went to some different parks and attractions in the city. In there, I also had time spent with family - you can't go wrong with that!
But it was back at it today - with our students, we ventured out to Lower Fort Garry for a day trip. Tomorrow kicks off two nights of overnight camp. Currently I'm apprehensive, but am hoping for the best nevertheless. Wish me luck!
Come Friday afternoon, I'll officially be off for three more weeks. And then, in a lot of ways, the real work begins! The last week of August will be jam packed with meetings, and then, before we know it, school will be starting!
There's still a few things to do before we get to that point, though. Obviously, priority number one is getting through this camp week. Then there'll be a kayaking night with a friend, celebrating some birthdays, and excitingly, a hair appointment towards the end of the month to get me ready for the big teacher-debut. Exciting right??
July flew by. Here's hoping these three weeks of August vacation feel nice and easy.