Like a lot of people, I spent some time in the kitchen today- specifically with my mom and sister, and we were attempting to make chocolate + sea salt pretzels. Sounds good right?
They were... okay. Not the greatest. But kind of a let down, since I'm a self-proclaimed chocaholic. But it illustrated a larger point: there's ways to stay connected with people. That, and this whole "staying at home" thing is a good chance to give something new a go.
The other day, the chief nursing officer for the province encouraged residents to try new projects during this period of self-isolation. But there was one caveat: be careful with the power tools. Maybe cooking/baking is a safer option than home renovations.
So: the chocolate pretzels were a fail. That's okay. We'll give normal pretzels a shot tomorrow (apparently you have to boil them. Who knew?). But the fail is worth it if that means you take a break from Netflix for a bit.