In two and a half weeks, I'll officially be a student teacher.
Still waiting to set up my division login, but my courses are undoubtedly winding down, and our practicum orientation is soon enough.
The only reason I find this worthy of noting is that I got my required practicum textbook today. I had to order it online from a company based in BC, and the minimum amount I could pay for shipping was about $10 (personally I had been hoping to go with the free shipping option that most sites have). But since I couldn't I paid about 25% of the retail value.
Except a I get an email two days later telling me my package is shipping and to expect it within two days, which seemed kind of fast for something shipping from the west coast.
Yeah, plot twist: it shipped from Winnipeg, to be delivered in Winnipeg.
So basically I paid $10 for something I could've just as easily picked up.
Oh well... guess it was a necessary evil?!