As if I wasn't already busy enough, I started yet ANOTHER new thing this past week.
Yes, inspired by the "How to Teach English as an Additional Language" class I'm taking this term, I decided to take the plunge and learn (brush up on?) my French language skills.
Granted, I took French in school from Kindergarten, all the way through grade 12. That said, I did graduate high school in 2015, and I haven't used French much (read: at all) since then.
Cut to this past week, when I registered for conversational French classes at the local French university, and I find myself in a Zoom class with about a dozen other "beginners" (admittedly, I probably could've gone up a level- but hey, best to start with the basics... right?).
So, one three-hour class a week for the next 10 or so weeks, I'll be learning & brushing up on my French skills. Who knows, maybe once this is all over, I'll have to plan a trip to Paris? (Or Montreal, more realistically, ha!)