For the third year in a row, easter doesn't look like it should.
Admittedly, this year, it's not because there's a pandemic stopping us (although COVID continues to be a thing, unfortunately). This year, there was a blizzard. In freaking April.
Who would've thought.
So, plans have been postponed. There was a scaled down family Easter lunch today, and granted, I'll have a work dinner tonight (yay for double the celebration!). The actual, honest to goodness full family event has been moved to next weekend, since the threat of snow and subsequent city shut down was enough to prevent groceries from being purchased.
Don't even get me started on the city shutting down. While I get that rural areas got hammered by snow, within the perimeter, well... shutting schools (and life!) down miiiiight have been an overreaction.
So it's a snowy day of celebration for me, with some working thrown in. And then it's back to practicum tomorrow after an unanticipated 5 day weekend. Only 2 more weeks (plus a couple of days) and then it's sayonara to the student teacher life.
Life's like a crazy carousel lately: always someplace to be or something to do. I, for one, am ready for a bit of respite, and a bit less snow. Here's to hoping I get those soon!