I thought long and hard about what I wanted to write about on here today.
Those brainstorming sessions proved fruitless.
Truth be told, there isn't much of note worth writing about, not this week. Work was, well... work. Steady. Busy. Relatively dull. This week was one of those weeks where days blended together; no discernible boundary between Monday and Tuesday, Tuesday or Wednesday; the days just mix and intertwine until you look at the calendar and realize "hey... it's Friday".
But, "nothing" is still "something", technically speaking. Like in laboratories, negative results are still results. So maybe it's worth just declaring it out loud: this was a boring week. Full stop. Nothing happened. It was mundane. Bland, grey.
And there's nothing wrong with that. It was a week. 7 full days of earning money and lounging around the house, just generally relaxing, and enjoying the summer break (they are supposed to be restful, after all). I think sometimes it's better to just take some time and do nothing. Stop and smell the roses. Bloom where you're planted, and all that jazz. Rest is important- there's room for drama and excitement next week.