Well, it' s official.
We've survived Halloween, and now the clock rolls over to a brand new month, and with it, new opportunities (including listening to Christmas music, if my grade 8s are to be believed).
I mentioned last time that we had hit the October slump at school. The adrenaline had worn off, and the mood just felt heavier, the days felt longer. Well that changed today. Not only was it the day after Halloween, it was also picture day, and it was a day where things actually felt good. The teaching was good, the students were enthused, everyone was with us... even gym, which historically has been the bane of my existence, was good. Even for the grade 7s!
Perfect, no. But better.
We'll take it.
So yes, November 1st, as far as I'm concerned, was a good one. And I'm optimistic that future days in November will be just as good, and maybe if I'm lucky, better.
It's hard to believe that it IS already November, and that I've survived my first two months as a teacher. And while we haven't quite started yet, the countdown will soon be on to December 22nd - the final day of first term, after which we'll have 2 glorious weeks off.
So bring it on, November. We look forward to rising to the challenge.