If there's maybe one positive to this pandemic, it's as far as my "professional" life is concerned.
With school divisions and individual schools anticipating a demand for more substitutes than their sub lists can currently provide, they're choosing to open up spots for non-certified teachers- B.Eds like yours truly.
So last Sunday afternoon, I fill out an application for one private school I'm fairly well acquainted with, and fire it off to HR. Monday morning, I get a call inviting me for an interview on Thursday. Thursday morning I go in, and BAM! Substitute teaching job offer.
So yeah. I'm a substitute teacher now.
Sure, I'm limited to the number of days I can work during the academic year since I'm not certified- fair enough. That's probably for the best even, given that I still have my own school stuff and other job to deal with. But, it's a teaching line on my resume, and that's a definite plus.
I hadn't been there since some time in the 2014-15 school year, when I was in my grade 12 year. I was just finishing up high school then and had no idea where life would take me, so to speak. So it felt a little surreal being back there, 5 years later, applying for a teaching job. Even when they took me on a tour after, I remembered lots of the different parts to the school- and it also felt a little smaller than it did back then.
Here's to hoping I get lots of calls for shifts, well-behaved classes, and that I can manage a classroom, even before I've started practicum!