Like I've been doing every Saturday, this morning I was once again at the regional COVID-19 contact call centre. There were hundreds of calls to be made today (like, well over 700), and like normal, seemingly not enough people to get them done.
So while I was scrambling to get through as many calls as possible (I think I got around 70 done?) I wound up speaking to one older lady, and one younger (British!) guy, both of whom "thanked me for my help" on separate occasions.
It floored me a little bit, because normally we get people generally indifferent to our work, or on the odd occasion, genuinely pissed off that we're calling them. And hey, fair enough. Different people process this situation differently. But it is undoubtedly nice to be thanked, and the positive energy from those calls was carried with me the rest of the day.
It's Thanksgiving weekend this weekend here in Canada, and it was a good reminder that despite the global stupidity that surrounds us, there still are things to be thankfully for- even those phone calls during a worldwide pandemic.