I'm not sure what it is, but this January seems to be rougher than ones previously.
I can't put my finger on why, and it's not for lack of trying. Maybe it's the cold. Or the snow. Or the fact that those two just keep alternating, like some weird, sadistic, weather-based tango that we're all forced to be privy to. Maybe it's the fact that omicron is still blazing. Or maybe it's the impending thought of change in my own life.
Heck, maybe it's all of the above, and then some.
Whichever way you slice it, the mid-winter blues seem to have set in across the Prairies. The excitement of the holidays is well and truly gone, the memory of which is no longer enough to sustain us. The next day off (Riel day, next month) is still too far away to seem real. In the interim, it's just snow, cold, and rough driving (seriously, where are the sanding trucks) day in and day out, ad nauseam.
So like all our fellow Winnipeggers, let's be resolved to get though this, one day at a time. Spring is coming, of that I'm certain. In the meantime, let's just put one foot in front of the other and wait for warmer days.
And hey, at least there's hot chocolate.