If the administration at my school is to be believed, the past week we just had - the first week of this brand new school year - was one of the most successful in school history.
Not too shabby, when you consider how half the staff are new (myself included).
Was it easy? No, I wouldn't say so. If nothing else, we're all still getting used to being back in a school routine and getting up early, students and teachers alike.
The added challenge for myself is figuring out how to teach gym, on top of all the other little details and minutia teachers have to worry about that they never told us about in University (thanks for the heads up there, people).
Now was it all smooth sailing? No. As expected, there were hiccups. Inevitably there'll be more this year, and more things to work both through and towards. That said, the balance of the week was positive. It's now Sunday night, and I find myself ready to go back - I'm not dreading it, by any sense of the word. Surely that too is a good sign.
This week promises to again be an exciting one. Tomorrow is the "official-official" kick-off to my grad school career. My first course starts up, and we have a class Zoom call tonight (apparently online school will never go away). Then it's working through this week, including our first voyage over to another school for shops classes, and the week caps off with yet another weekend, this time with a ticket to the Eagles concert and babysitting on Sunday.
So bring it on, week! Here's to another great one.