So high schools (and all schools) started up again this week. And it took a grand total of one day before the first case was registered in a high school.
Yeah, not off to a great start.
In any other year, I probably wouldn't have considered it much, beyond just acknowledging that yeah, it kind of sucks. This year, I'm more acutely aware of challenges facing schools and school divisions. And it's funny that I care so much after a whole 8 days of my B.Ed.
There's a marked change in thinking that I've noticed, and that some of my classmates have commented on in our discussion forums. As teacher candidates, and eventual certified teachers, we're becoming more aware of schools and the roles they play in changing societal views, and just generally considering the role education systems play in day to day life. Teaching is, of course, inherently political. There's been an obvious change in psyche- basically, as far as any contested space in education is concerned, it's never wise to take an issue at face value.
So, when the news broke earlier this week that a student tested positive and went to school, and people were quick to vilify the child and their family. The reality is, we'll never know all the details. If there was negligence involved, I expect Public Health will deal with them accordingly. And while the court of public opinion is no doubt very real, and very strong, it's important to not jump to any conclusions.
Am I worried? Yeah, I'd be lying if I said I didn't. I'm probably more concerned than the average person, because starting in November, I'll be going to a high school for my practicum, and I don't have an option if I want the credit, and I'm not getting paid to be there. The tight turn around time between classes starting and first positive case is alarming, no doubt about that. But it's not worth engaging "chicken-little-sky-is- falling" mode quite yet.
There's a lot of trial and error to this first semester back. Teachers, schools, divisions, and student teachers (like yours truly) are figuring things out as they go. We'll get through this together. We've got this.