Tomorrow marks the start of my last full week at practicum. The week after is just a whopping two days, and then: summer is upon me. And, being an adult (who doesn't love that).
Lesson plans are more-or-less set for the week. So now, I'm just hanging out at work, waiting until my shift is over so I can go home, crash in bed, and start the countdown for the week tomorrow, each day counting down to the start of the next chapter of life.
Though I've enjoyed my student teaching, and it's gone well so far (hopefully nothing changes now, in my last full week!), I'm ready for a break. Given how the strike interrupted everything, combined with working, interning, student council, and more, it's been a chaotic year. Some days, it's felt like I've been burning the candle from both ends. And while it's been a good year, and this block has been nice (in that everything is feeling like it's clicking), I'm totally ready for a bit of a break.
Cut to: me anxiously awaiting my last full week of practicum. I'm teaching this week, and hoping to pass the buck back to the teachers I'm working with for the Monday and Tuesday.
So wish me luck, for one last week. And, for whatever comes next, career-wise. Here's to hoping for a smooth week, and a successful conclusion to my final practicum.