I don't mean physically being tired- but just tired of the mundane.
I think I'm finally "COVID-crashing"- I miss being able to go places with friends, or have vacations to look forward to. While work keeps me busy Monday through Friday, I miss having days off in the summer because that meant we would inevitably be going on vacation.
In some weird twist of fate, I heard a song on Spotify called "Ever Since New York", and then started thinking about the city that never sleeps. We were there last August, and while there were aspects of NYC I definitely didn't like (think: the crowdedness, the random wafting garbage stench, etc.), I would've made a point to enjoy it more had I known this summer was going to be stationary.
Hindsight is 20/20 hey?
This pandemic isn't forever, and I know we're all tired of it. There are definite ordinary glories I look forward to returning to: standing in lines at Timmie's on campus. Visiting shops and malls without feeling on edge. Not obsessively washing my hands. I think I'm more or less fine with those things day-to-day now- physical distancing and mask-wearing is so engrained in the public psyche it doesn't phase me. But this summer, this specific evening- I'm missing travel. I look forward to that part of next summer.
Fingers crossed that Oxford vaccine trial is successful by then.