For Christmas this year, my sister’s big wishlist item was an electric scooter.
Seems kind of random, right? I had thought it was because she saw somebody riding one when we were in New York City this past summer, but the more I think about it, I’m pretty sure she was asking for one even before then. But that’s beside the point.
The point is that we took it out for the first time today and gave it a spin around the neighbourhood. Though she of course had the first go, she was nice enough to let me take a turn (or several).
It was actually really fun. Like really, really fun. Like I now want my own expensive scooter, ha.
It’s ironic- when she first asked for it, I thought it was the stupidest thing. After giving it a whirl this evening... I’m definitely eating my words! I’m sure all the neighbors were jealous too.
All this to say, I probably owe my sister an apology for judging her Christmas gift! I will give her credit though, she occasionally comes up with these extravagant gifts’ ideas that more often than not, turn out to be complete wins. Scooter included. And hey, not only is it fun, it’s sustainable transportation, too- a win-win, some would say.