I'd argue that for anybody who graduated from anything in 2020, it probably wasn't quite what they bargained for. I've touched on it before, but basically, no convocation and having a degree mailed to you fundamentally alters the experience- something doesn't feel quite right. There's no closure, really.
Well, tonight, that feel of open-endedness closed. Months after my last exam was written, we had a family dinner to celebrate the completion my B.Sc., and the imminent commencement of my B.Ed. this fall. It felt exciting to just be with people that are genuinely excited for me, celebrating the ending of one degree and the beginning of the next chapter - my first proper foray into a future profession.
It was a long and winding five years, and to celebrate, there were three cakes, chocolate dipped marshmallows, and custom cookies. One of the cakes even had my FACE ON IT. In icing. That was an excellent surprise. Personally, I think I tasted great.
All in all, it was the closure I needed on my science degree. Though I enjoyed studying psychology (and even some of the biology stuff- just not the plants. Never the plants.), I did feel aimless for a while there. There was a period of several years where I didn't really know where I was headed professionally, and I sort of drifted between ideas. And though I still plan/hope to do a Master's one day (meaning I may not be a classroom teacher for my entire career), I at least have a field I've committed to, a trajectory to follow; and one that I'm excited about. And that is an excellent feeling.
So here's to the past, and here's to the future... onto the next!