Today at work I was busy working on our annual equipment verifications, when I realized it doesn't feel like all that long ago that I was doing the same tasks for 2019.
This year, though arguably a disaster, has at least been a quick one.
Maybe it's just because life is relatively monotonous, one day fading into the next, or because we are basically all just dealing with global psychological whiplash, but it does genuinely feel like we blinked, and suddenly we're 9 months in.
And on some level, maybe that's a good thing. This year, after all, has been one I think most of us won't miss. And I would also argue we're all eagerly awaiting the roll over from 2020 to 2021.
Who knows if I'll still be at my current job in September of 2021. And hopefully, if I still am, I'm not verifying pipettes wishing the current year was over, and wondering how this year could possibly get any worse.
2020 has been... interesting, to put it mildly. But the end of the year is in sight. Fingers crossed for 2021.