It’s official, everybody. We’ve been socially distancing for 38 days.
Not that anybody is counting.
For the most part, I’d say we’ve been doing pretty good. We seem to be keeping the number of new cases per day down, and for the most part, people are keeping others at a distance. For many, the transition to working from home and online classes has been relatively straightforward.
But there’s one key thing people are forgetting: the date.
There are all kinds of memes circulating online about the general confusion that seems to have washed over us all. Nobody seems to know the date, or the time (like my mother earlier this evening), or what’s happening- in the slightest.
Concerning? Yeah, probably. But the silver lining here is that confusion to that degree could only be due to being at home all the time, with minimal human contact, and that should be encouraging. It means we’ve been doing our job! (I say this only half sarcastically).
We’re doing a good job. Even if it doesn’t feel like it, the past 38 days have been a success. We’re figuring out how to be at home, and how to adjust to being stuck with our family members all day, every day. There are things to celebrate, even if it feels like we’re trapped, with no end date in sight.
So, cheers to us, fellow inmates- we're doing well! Here’s to the next 38 days.