Last week I mentioned that spring felt like it was close.
Turns out, I was horribly, terribly, completely wrong.
After yesterday's snow dump, I'm officially tapping out. 24 years as a Winnipeg and yup, I'm done. Like so many of us, this winter has well and truly broken my spirit.
It's been months of -30 (or colder), or snow; highway closures and skating rinks for roads. We've suffered enough, this year, Mother Nature. It's the middle of March. Today is my sister's birthday, in fact - there shouldn't be (this much) snow for that.
To the rest of Winnipeg (and Manitoba!), I apologize for jinxing us last week. Rest assured, any optimism about the weather changing is now being kept inside my own head - to be honest, I'm skeptical that spring even exists any more.
While I hope to be proven wrong, in the meantime, I'll be planning on staying indoors.